RDB Native360 - Job Management
Once you've posted your job, you can see the status of your postings on the 'view adverts' tab:
As you can see each post is described with few parameters:
- a
- Status: Live (post is safe on the board and provides applications), Failed (Something went wrong when posting the ad, but no worries - we'll send some helpful guidelines on how to fix the problem once it occurs), Expired (When the expected live span of a post is completed) and Deleted (when you remove the post off job board from RDB).
- b
- Posted to: Just the name of the job board you posted to
- c
- Posted at: Time at which the job was posted (GMT+0)
- d
- Applicants: Total Number of applicants for a particular post (job board)
- e
- Expires on: Date the advert will naturally expire on any given board
Also, you an run a variety of actions that can be triggered with the buttons to the right-hand side of the window:
- a
- Quick Repost: Just take a post and repost it with one click with all the same original details! No questions asked!
- b
- Quick Repost Expired: Quick reposts all the expired posts, so you can refresh your job with hardly any effort.
- c
- Full Repost: you can repost the position and amend some details on the way, just as if you posted a new job, but with all the details pre-populated. You can use that to, i.e. change the job's location to a more generic one
- d
- Delete Advert: This allows you to delete an individual post from the job board (provided the board supports such functionality)
- e
- Delete All Adverts: Same as above, but for all applicable posts