Breakdown of idibu downloadable reports

Table of Contents

Report type: Activity Reports

Aptrack Status Analysis
Board Budget Report
Board Detail Performance
Consultant Activity Detail
Consultant Comparison
CV Search Access Logs
Jobs Posted
System Activity Detail
Sector Based Application Breakdown
System Activity Summary

Report type: Historical Statistics

Report type: Current Statistics

Live Adverts
Quota Spent

Report type: Applicant Reports

Applicant Breakdown Detail
Application Analysis
Application Count Per Job

Common questions

This knowledgebase article provides a full breakdown of the reports available to you in the reporting suite. All reports are sent as Excel attachments via email.

Report type: Activity Reports

Activity Reports let you keep track of many important aspects of advertising within any desired time frame, i.e. the number of adverts and applicant responses, the average effectiveness per consultant, advert targeting etc. Here you will find an explanation of different types of Activity Reports and what kind of data you can find in each one of them.

1. Aptrack Status Analysis

The Aptrack Status Analysis report shows you the number of Unique Adverts* on all the boards you have subscribed to, the number of adverts that were posted – both totally and individually (per board), including the number of applicant responses and the response to advert ratio. 

You can also see the summary of adverts based on their status, i.e. Unread, Pending, etc..

This report also indicates the share of all the consultants and teams in the whole picture, so you can see who has posted how many adverts to which boards, and of course how many responses were given.

Click here to download an example report

Specific information available:

  • Total Unique Adverts - this shows you the sum of adverts that have been responded to in the chosen period. It is important to stress that it may also count adverts that have been posted before the chosen time frame if they were still live and responded to during the selected period.

    For example: the Total Unique Adverts in a report created for May, will also include the adverts from before, i.e. posted in April if they were still live in May and applicants responded to them during the selected period (May).

  • Total Responses - sum of responses given to all the adverts
  • Ratio for Unique Ads - response to Unique Adverts ratio
  • The first column - indicates particular consultants
  • Board - names of particular boards you are subscribed to
  • Adverts - number of adverts posted to particular boards
  • Responses - numbers of responses to adverts on particular boards
  • Ratio - response to advert ratio on particular boards
  • Unread - number of applications with the "Unread" status
  • Pending - number of applications with the "Pending" status
  • Keep in idibu - number of applications with the "Keep in idibu" status
  • Interview-forward CV - number of applications with the "Interview - forward CV" status
  • Rejected - number of applications with the "Rejected" status
  • The "Total" row - shows a total number of all the Adverts, Responses, Advert Statuses and the average response to advert Ratio for each board
  • The "Total" columns - last 8 columns show the summary of all the statistics, which you can analyze per consultant

2. Board Budget Report

The Board Budget Report is a unique report that tells you all about the figures.. Do you actually know spend on your jobs over the course of a month/year?

Use this report to find out exactly where your budget is being spent. Please read the following article to set the report up properly and use it effectively

Click here to download an example report

  • The first Column -  name of the consultant/team/office
  • Board - name of a particular board you are subscribed to
  • Budget Type - type of quota for the particular board. More information here.
  • Available - how many quotas were allocated for a particular consultant/team/office and to which board
  • Posted - number of adverts posted to particular boards
  • Applicants - number of applicants that have replied to the adverts
  • Total Spend - how much money was spend on ad posting
  • Cost per Applicant - how does money spend on ads reflect the cost of an individual CV

3. Board Detail Performance

The Board Details Performance report lets you analyze your boards in high detail. You can see how many ads were posted by particular consultants using specific extra fields and how many applications have been received for them.  This way you can analyze boards to find the most and least successful sectors, locations, or even see which experience field brought you the most candidates.

Please note: The Board Detail Performance report takes into account all applicants that were received for adverts posted in the specified time period.

Click here to download an example report

  • Field - name of the extra field of any particular job board
  • Value - name of the value of the field that data it represents

4. Consultant Activity Detail

The Consultant Activity Detail report lets you analyze the number of adverts posted by consultants and the number of responses received, which is indicated both per consultant and per board to which that particular consultant posted adverts.

Click here to download an example report

Specific information you can find:

  • Sender - name of the consultant who posted the advert
  • Office - name of the office the consultant works in
  • Team - name of team the consultant is assigned to
  • (Board's Name) - names of particular boards consultants can post to
  • Posted - number of adverts posted to particular boards
  • Applicants - number of applicants that have replied to the adverts

5. Consultant Comparison

The Consultant Comparison report is a summary which allows you to compare individual consultants performance, based on a total number of adverts posted, responses received and the response to advert ratio.

Click here to download an example report

Specific information available:

  • Consultant - name of the consultant who posted the advert
  • Office - name of the office the consultant works in
  • Team - name of the team the consultant is assigned to
  • Adverts - number of adverts posted by a particular consultant
  • Responses - numbers of responses to adverts for a particular consultant
  • Ratio - response to advert ratio of a particular consultant

6. CV Search Access Logs

The CV Search Access Logs is a report that details when consultants have accessed (job board) CV search databases via Apsearch. 

Click here to download an example report

Specific information available:

  • Board - name of the board which was reviewed using CV Search
  • Person Accessing - name of the consultant accessing the CV Search
  • Date of Access - date in which the CV Search was accessed by the consultant

7. Jobs Posted

The Jobs Posted report gives you detailed information on the adverts posted, i.e. number of applicants per job, date of posting, reference number, etc.. and on what boards particular jobs were posted, and by whom.

Click here to download an example report

Specific information available:

  • Sender - name of the consultant who posted the advert
  • Team - name of team the consultant is assigned to
  • Office - name of the office the consultant works in
  • Reference - reference code for the particular advert
  • Job Type - type of the job posted, i.e. Temporary, Permanent...
  • Job Title - title of the posted job
  • Applications in the specified time period - number of all applications that have arrived for a particular in the specified time period.
  • Total Number of Applicants - number of all applications that have arrived for a particular job since it was first posted.
  • Date Posted - date on which the advert was posted
  • (Board's Name) - names of particular boards you are subscribed to. The figure marks how many times has the advert been posted to this particular board on the day in question and the "-" sign shows the advert wasn't posted to it

8. System Activity Detail

The System Activity Detail report shows you the number of Unique Adverts* on all the boards you have subscribed to, the number of adverts that were posted – both totally and individually (per board), including the number of applicant responses and the response to advert ratio.
This report also indicates the share of all the consultants and teams in the whole picture, so you can see who has posted how many adverts to which boards, and of course how many responses were given.

Click here to download an example report

Specific information available:

  • Total Unique Adverts - this shows you the sum of adverts that have been responded to in the chosen period. It is important to stress that it may also count adverts that have been posted before the chosen time frame if they were still live and responded to during the selected period.

    For example: the Total Unique Adverts in a report created for May, will also include the adverts from before, i.e. posted in April if they were still live in May and applicants responded to them during the selected period (May).

  • Total Responses - sum of responses given to all the adverts
  • Ratio for Unique Ads - response to Unique Adverts ratio
  • The first column - first column indicates particular consultants
  • Board - names of particular boards you are subscribed to
  • Adverts - number of adverts posted to particular boards
  • Responses - numbers of responses to adverts on particular boards
  • Ratio - response to advert ratio on particular boards
  • The "Total" row - shows a total number of all the Adverts, Responses, Advert Statuses and the average response to advert Ratio for each board
  • The "Total" columns - last 8 columns show the summary of all the statistics, which you can analyze per consultant

9. Sector-Based Application Breakdown

The Sector Based Application Breakdown report lets you analyze the number of adverts posted by consultants and the number of responses received, which is indicated by the sector to which that particular consultant posted adverts to. Please note that the posting figures represent job posts - this means that if a job was posted to 10 boards (10 posts) it will be counted as 10 in the report - not as 1 job.

Click here to download an example report

Specific information you can find:

  • Sender - name of the consultant who posted the advert
  • Office - name of the office the consultant works in
  • Team - name of the team the consultant is assigned to
  • (Sector) - names of particular Sectors consultants posted to
  • Posted - number of adverts posted to particular boards
  • Applicants - number of applicants that have replied to the adverts

10. System Activity Summary

The System Activity Summary report lets you see how many adverts have been posted, how many responses they received and the average response to advert ratio.  Furthermore, you can see the average activity depending on days of the week or the posting time of the day.

Click here to download an example report

Specific information available:

Job Board Summary

  • Board - names of particular boards you are subscribed to
  • Adverts - number of adverts posted to particular boards
  • Responses - numbers of responses to adverts on particular boards
  • Ratio - response to advert ratio on particular boards
  • Total - summary of: a) adverts posted on all boards, b) all the responses received, and c) the average response to advert ratio based on all the adverts posted and responses given to them

Weekly Summary Report

Here you will find the sum of all the adverts posted on each day of the week and the number of all responses made on these days accordingly.

Posting Time of The Day

Here you will find the average number of adverts posted during the chosen time period depending on the hour of the day (in a 24-hour timescale).

For example: you will be able to compare average advertising values at 12 o'clock and 14 o'clock for the chosen period.

Report type: Historical Statistics

The Historical Statistics report shows a monthly summary for a given year, including the total number of adverts, responses and the response to advert ratio.

Click here to download an example report

Specific information available:

  • Adverts - number of adverts posted in particular months
  • Responses - numbers of responses to adverts in particular months
  • Ratio - average response to advert ratio for particular months

Report type: Current Statistics

The Current Statistics reports show the numbers of live adverts and spend quotas for the day and up to the moment the report was generated.  

1. Live Adverts

In the Live Adverts report of the Current Statistics, you will be able to access detailed information on all the live adverts at the time the report was requested.

Click here to download an example report

Specific information available:

  • Sender - name of the consultant who posted the advert
  • Team - name of team the consultant is assigned to
  • Office - name of the office the consultant works in
  • Reference - reference code for the particular advert
  • Job Type - type of the job posted, i.e. Temporary, Permanent...
  • Job Title - title of the posted job
  • Number of Applicants - number of responses from applicants to the particular advert
  • Expiry dates per board - the date each job will expire, depending on which board it is live one
  • Final Expiry - the last expiry date this advert has among all the boards it is live on

2. Quota Spent

In the Quota Spent report of the Current Statistics, you will be given detailed information on all the quota that was spent for the moment the report was requested.

Click here to download an example report

Specific information available:

  • The first column - name of the consultant/team/office
  • Board - name of a particular board you are subscribed to
  • Quota Type - type of quota for the particular board
  • Renewal Type - renewal type set for the particular board
  • Renewal Date - day of the month  the quotas will be renewed for the particular board
  • Allocated - how many quotas were allocated for a particular consultant/team/office and to which board
  • Used - number of quotas used
  • Remaining - number of remaining quotas

Report type: Applicant Reports

The Applicant Report focuses on applicant response. It will show you how many applicants that have responded to specific advert, and which statuses (if any), they have been processed with. 

1. Applicant Breakdown Detail

In the Applicant Breakdown Detail report, you can find detailed information on all applicants that have responded to adverts during the chosen period of time. Please note that this report can show even more details with the CV-Preview product. To find out more, please contact the idibu sales team!

Click here to download an example report

Specific information available:

  • Applied - date an applicant responded to an advert
  • Status - status assigned to the applicant.
  • Job Ref - reference code of the job the applicant responded to
  • Job Title - title of the job the applicant responded to
  • Job Location - location of the job the applicant responded to (not applicant's location provided in his CV)
  • Email - applicant's e-mail address
  • Source - name of the board from which the applicant responded to this advert
  • Sent By - name of the consultant that posted the advert responded to by a particular applicant
  • Team - name of the team of the consultant that posted the advert responded to by a particular applicant
  • Office - name of the office of the consultant that posted the advert responded to by a particular applicant

2. Application Analysis

The Application Analysis report shows information of how many responses were made to the adverts of each consultant and of which how many applications have not been read (using Aptrack interface).

Please note: The Application Analysis report takes into account all applicants received in the specified time period, regardless of when their respective adverts were posted.

Click here to download an example report

Specific information available:

  • Sender - name of the consultant who posted the advert
  • Office - name of the office the consultant works in
  • Team - name of team the consultant is assigned to
  • Responses - number of responses to all the consultant's adverts, divided into Temp, Perm and Contract job types
  • Unprocessed - number of applications that still need processing, divided into Temp, Perm and Contract job types
  • Temp - number of Temporary job adverts a particular consultant posted
  • Perm - number of Permanent job adverts a particular consultant posted
  • Contract - number of Contract job adverts a particular consultant posted

3. Applicant Count per Job

The Applicant Count per Job report displays the total number of all applicants, organized based on their status, for every job posted in the specified time period.

Please note: the report takes into account all jobs posted in the specified time period, regardless of when their respective applicants were received.

Click here to download an example report

Specific information available:

  • Job Title - title of the advert
  • Reference - reference of the advert
  • Location - location of the advert
  • User - name of the consultant who posted the advert
  • Team - name of team the consultant is assigned to
  • Office - name of the office the consultant works in
  • Total Applied - number of all applicants received for the advert
  • Statuses - further columns list all statuses set up for the account, with the amount of applicants with the given status assigned for each advert

Common questions

Why does the applicant data differ in the 'Aptrack Breakdown Report' when compared with the 'Aptrack Status Analysis Report'?

  • The 'Applicant Breakdown Report' is per applicant and it only reports applicants. So it will show applicants that arrived in the system exactly in the specified time period, as shown by the dates.
  • The 'Aptrack Status Analysis Report', on the other hand, is per advert. So it will show the numbers of applicants relating to jobs posted in the specified time period. 

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